Customers Shopping for Last Minute Gifts? You Need Same-Day Delivery

Last Minute Delivery

We’ve all been there. You have the world’s greatest shortlist of gifts for a loved one, and you’ve narrowed it down to one, now all you have to do is get the order locked in. However, life happens, things get ahead of you and now the penultimate event is on the horizon — and you have no gift. 


This is where having a same-day delivery service comes into play, as when you bring on a service like ours — one that is equally speedy and reliable — you’ll be getting a guarantee that your packages will be dropped off at your door the day of the order; that’s our same-day promise. 


How does this provide you with an edge in terms of gift giving? Well for starters, you only pay a flat-rate charge, so if you’re concerned that any gouging will be taking place, you can rest easy knowing that your prices won’t be impacted by the last-minute nature of your purchase. This means you can double down on additional gifts and not have to worry about any hikes in service fees. 


On top of this, we offer you order tracking meaning that once your package is shipped by the retailer of your choice, you’ll be able to track its progress in real-time. This gives you the advantage of charting your gift’s journey on the way to your location, allowing you more time to prep and plan, in case you need to grab some last-minute wrapping paper or a card. This system is perfect for gift hampers, jewelry or even baked goods!


Having a reliable same-day delivery service in your back pocket is essential for locking in the perfect gift, whether they’re brought in close to the wire, or have been planned months in advance. Contact us today to see how we can help you become the star of the hour with your gift-giving prowess.