Qualities to Look For in a Local Delivery Service

Delivery Guarantee

When looking to integrate same-day delivery into your business model, there are some crucial factors to be on the lookout for to ensure that your needs are met. 

The delivery market isn’t what it used to be, and saturation has become the dominant factor in almost all areas of the industry, with large-scale couriers promising that you’ll be looked after individually, despite their outstretched nature, and small-scale couriers having trouble keeping up with the diverse demands of individual businesses. 

So what are some key qualities to look out for when shopping around for a reliable and efficient same-day delivery partner?


Any delivery system that can stand on its own two feet knows the importance of cross-communication between all areas of operation. A courier can have a rock solid team of couriers, however, if there isn’t harmony between those couriers, the administration team, the software technicians and customer service, the whole system falls apart. So when you’re engaging in your search for an ideal courier, make sure this specific kind of criteria is met. 

Flat Rate 

Many couriers, both large and small, will often incorporate fluctuating rates depending on the needs of your business. While this model may not be unordinary, over time, it can impact your wallet and enterprise assets. Even worse, some can incorporate hidden fees, leaving you scratching your head as to where additional funds have gone. That’s why a flat rate service is ideal, as it won’t budge when it comes to your shipment requirements. 

Same-Day Promise 

Above all else, make sure your courier operates on the same-day standard. Gone are the days of wait times for reliable delivery, so make sure when you pick a delivery partner, that they have a proven track record of same-day satisfaction.


If you’re looking to try same-day delivery with a flat rate fee and efficient team, StoreToDoor has you covered.